2Ti 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Check out the links below and you can do your daily bible reading online. If you follow the guide below, you will finish the bible in one year. If you would like to join our daily bible reading contact Pastor Paul Mitchell at email,


8/1  Psalm 59-61  Acts 28:16-31
8/2  Psalm 62-64  Romans 1
8/3  Psalm 65-67  Romans 2
8/4  Psalm 68-69  Romans 3
8/5  Psalm 70-72  Romans 4
8/6  Psalm 73-74  Romans 5
8/7  Psalm 75-77  Romans 6
8/8  Psalm 78  Romans 7
8/9  Psalm 79-81  Romans 8:1-18
8/10  Psalm 82-84  Romans 8:19-39
8/11  Psalm 85-87  Romans 9
8/12  Psalm 88-89  Romans 10
8/13  Psalm 90-92  Romans 11:1-21
8/14  Psalm 93-95  Romans 11:22-36
8/15  Psalm 96-98  Romans 12
8/16  Psalm 99-102  Romans 13
8/17  Psalm 103-104  Romans 14
8/18  Psalm 105-106  Romans 15:1-21
8/19  Psalm 107-108  Romans 15:22-33
8/20  Psalm 109-111  Romans 16
8/21  Psalm 112-115  1 Corinthians 1
8/22  Psalm 116-118  1 Corinthians 2
8/23  Psalm 119:1-48  1 Corinthians 3
8/24  Psalm 119:49-104  1 Corinthians 4
8/25  Psalm 119:105-176  1 Corinthians 5
8/26  Psalm 120-123  1 Corinthians 6
8/27  Psalm 124-127  1 Corinthians 7:1-24
8/28  Psalm 128-131  1 Corinthians 7:25-40
8/29  Psalm 132-135  1 Corinthians 8
8/30  Psalm 136-138  1 Corinthians 9
8/31  Psalm 139-141  1 Corinthians 10:1-13